I am being tortured all night and into the morning. I work on evidence and writing and get brutally tortured for it! What in the actual f*ck has this country turned into? This is now ten years of this every day and night!
My eyes are being attacked as I write this. They start to burn and water so badly that I cannot look at the screen.
My limbs have been jerked around and shocked every few seconds throughout the night. It is such a dehumanizing and infuriating experience. If I protect myself, they hit another part of my body or they ramp up the power and intensity of the hits.
This is sadistically inflicted trauma and torture. I am worn down from too many years of this. My life has been hijacked, and I will never get these years back.
If these treasonous criminals are not removed and swiftly dealt with, no one will be able to ignore or deny this in five to ten years. It will be in everyone’s face.
They will say it’s to stop criminals and terrorists and to “keep America safe.” They are liars. They are the criminals and terrorists!
These wretched people have zero moral high ground. They were never legitimate in any way. They are serial torturers and sadists. They are dirty satanists. They are sex and death cult psychos, pedophiles, thieves, rapists and coward killers. Anyone that stands in their way let alone exposes them for what they are and do is immediately labeled a danger to society and an enemy of the state.
They want this country destroyed. This is invisible genocide. A clever and deniable version of the genocide happening in Gaza, brought to you by the same psychopathic lunatics who believe if they bully, torture, threaten, terrorize, propagandize, brainwash, and program the world long enough, then everyone will go along with their deranged schemes and plans.
Is it working?