Year: 2019
Depravity Incorporated (February 2019)
The world is run by satanists, masons, luciferians, pedophiles, militant gay and transexual sodomite programmers.
The media is filled with their symbology to reinforce their sex and death cult obsessions. Their focus on children is particularly disturbing. These maniacs start young and are predatory.
The State as owner of all things, including children, is directly aligned with and connected to this ideology and the people behind it.
In their totalitarian, eugenicist, dystopian, inverted New World Order ideal, parents no longer exist in the natural sense. Babies will be designed and created in laboratory environments and the population strictly limited by those in power. Raising children in their minds to be loyal and obedient to the enslaved collective is the duty and right of the community and the State.
Adults will be able to have sex with children of all ages. Animals too. They look to normalize absolutely everything. Do What Thou Wilt is their motto. The cruder, dirtier, more depraved, morally bankrupt, the better.
These are the same people, by the way who are pushing the normalization of aborting babies all through the 9th month of pregnancy. Abortion is a cover for satanic ritual sacrifice and the harvesting of blood and trafficking of organs.
These truths are viciously suppressed for obvious reasons. They have to protect themselves and their masters. The media is their weapon for silencing dissension and discrediting those who try hard to tell the truth.
They have cornered the world.
And these very same people infiltrated my family and invaded my life at birth.
I get aggressively threatened and tortured because I expose the fine details of what they have done to me and my children and the fraudulent agenda they were connecting to me, the same one they are perpetrating throughout the world.
Signs and Symbols (February 2019)
For a solid two years I was in the most aggressive crosshairs of a ritualistic Masonic initiation and intelligence operation, which I reject and expose every day because it’s criminal and deceptive.
I was getting ritualistically signaled to in myriad ways online and in public. Intel handlers started to influence my family as well to use similar gesturing and signaling. Even tried to induce gestures in me using the same technology. Colors too. Phrases. Words. You name it. It’s a form of Masonic and Satanic branding and programming. All disturbing. All criminal.
The 666 sign (A-Ok cover excuse), pyramid sign (steeple cover excuse), diamond sign, devil’s horns (‘love” or “longhorns” cover excuse), V sign (“peace” cover excuse), among many others, were used on me nonstop. Masonic black and white duality combos, black and red satanic combos, masonic orange, plus a few other colors are still used daily on me. I have been anchored in so many different signs, symbols, colors, words, and phrases that I had to focus a lot of my time on just desensitizing myself from the trauma-based psychology and programming they were attempting to inflict.
These techniques of communication are pervasive online and throughout all forms of media. They have indoctrinated culture using the same signs and symbols on the masses and amid the consumer culture. If you look around, you will literally see it everywhere. That’s not an accident. Anyone who tells you it’s just a “sign of the times” is naive and ignorant or complicit. We are in the midst of a Satanic and Masonic global ritual.
Beyond the basic signaling of allegiance, it is also done to let those in the know that anyone arguing against the Masons and Illuminati are actually on the same side. They signal to make it clear they are playing along the controlled dialectic, that they are still beholden to the brotherhood (or sisterhood) regardless of what they say.
Maybe some other reasons too. There’s a psychological dominance element to these tactics that is deliberate and is used on people they focus on in the way they did me. Different signs, colors, words, and phrases, also may be used at different points to communicate a particular intent. Some of these tactics and the motives behind them I am still trying to deduce.
Regardless, it’s designed to be impossible to nail down and to keep deniability high. It’s grounded in values of confusion, elusiveness, deception, and manipulation, which is never a good thing. That alone should make people question the integrity of the people behind it, but when you add to it the dark programming motives and ritual abuse and torture that accompanies it, it becomes a very evil practice.
It will all be exposed.
Celebrity Anchors (February 2019)
The Masons and Illuminati turn certain people into celebrities to then anchor us in their rhetoric and manipulate us toward their agenda-driven objectives.
This is why they make celebrities out of everyone: scientists, businessmen, religious figures, politicians, doctors, life coaches, engineers, thieves, killers, lawyers, athletes, singers, actors, directors, producers, writers, chefs, moms, dads, families, ad infinitum.
They make sure they have a representative for everyone within the population. That’s the nature of anchoring and programming. They create models for us, then spread those models constantly throughout the media, and use them to manage perception and control the trajectory of society, especially the youth. It’s a form of conditioning and population control.
The most celebrated rarely get there because that person achieved that status all on their own but rather because they were chosen most likely at birth or not long after and then programmed to fulfill a particular role. That along with how well they do what they are told. Those most talented at selling agenda and without any moral compass whatsoever tend to get the most publicity and push.
They may or may not have awareness until they get older and are moved into the limelight and onto the world stage.
Codes (February 2019)
A partial list of embedded codes:
Signs, symbols, names, and numbers comprise the hidden language that rules this world.
A lot of names including our own are coded and we don’t see it.
The Masons and the Illuminati program this world and the people in it by the numbers and oftentimes covertly and from birth. Names are important to them.
Sex codes, role codes, future codes, mocking codes, monarch programming codes, these names when used on the world stage serve many purposes. My life has been encoded using the same techniques.
Noninvasive Mind Control Patent circa 2002 (February 2019)
This is essentially a patent for noninvasive mind control.
This man is a serious and accomplished physicist.
Application filed 2002
DE10253433A1 – Thought transmission unit sends modulated electromagnetic wave beams to human receiver to influence thoughts and actions without electronic receiver – Google Patents
A thought transmission unit sends modulated electromagnetic wave beams over long distances to a human receiver to influence the thoughts, actions or perceptions of the organism with or without their consent but without them requiring an electronic receiver.
Quotes from Psychiatrists about The Fraudulence of Mental Illness (February 2019)
“There’s no biological imbalance. When people come to me and they say, ‘I have a biochemical imbalance,’ I say, ‘Show me your lab tests.’ There are no lab tests. So what’s the biochemical imbalance?” —Dr. Ron Leifer, psychiatrist
“All psychiatrists have in common that when they are caught on camera or on microphone, they cower and admit that there are no such things as chemical imbalances/diseases, or examinations or tests for them. What they do in practice, lying in every instance, abrogating [revoking] the informed consent right of every patient and poisoning them in the name of ‘treatment’ is nothing short of criminal.” —Dr. Fred Baughman Jr., Pediatric Neurologist
“Psychiatry makes unproven claims that depression, bipolar illness, anxiety, alcoholism and a host of other disorders are in fact primarily biologic and probably genetic in origin…This kind of faith in science and progress is staggering, not to mention naïve and perhaps delusional.” —Dr. David Kaiser, psychiatrist
While “there has been no shortage of alleged biochemical explanations for psychiatric conditions…not one has been proven. Quite the contrary. In every instance where such an imbalance was thought to have been found, it was later proven false.” —Dr. Joseph Glenmullen, Harvard Medical School psychiatrist
“The theories are held on to not only because there is nothing else to take their place, but also because they are useful in promoting drug treatment.” —Dr. Elliott Valenstein Ph.D., author of Blaming the Brain
“There is no blood or other biological test to ascertain the presence or absence of a mental illness, as there is for most bodily diseases. If such a test were developed…then the condition would cease to be a mental illness and would be classified, instead, as a symptom of a bodily disease.” —Dr. Thomas Szasz, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, New York University Medical School, Syracuse
“I believe, until the public and psychiatry itself see that DSM labels are not only useless as medical ‘diagnoses’ but also have the potential to do great harm—particularly when they are used as means to deny individual freedoms, or as weapons by psychiatrists acting as hired guns for the legal system.” —Dr. Sydney Walker III, psychiatrist
“No biochemical, neurological, or genetic markers have been found for Attention Deficit Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Depression, Schizophrenia, anxiety, compulsive alcohol and drug abuse, overeating, gambling or any other so-called mental illness, disease, or disorder.” —Bruce Levine, Ph.D., psychologist and author of Commonsense Rebellion
“Unlike medical diagnoses that convey a probable cause, appropriate treatment and likely prognosis, the disorders listed in DSM-IV are terms arrived at through peer consensus.” —Tana Dineen Ph.D., Canadian psychologist
Summary of My Experience and Perspective (February 2019)
A breakdown of my experience and understanding of it excerpted from a 2018 old email thread that included some highly visible people within the targeted activist circles:
I’ve experienced extremely advanced scripting of behavior and long-form programming of outcomes. My life reads like a carefully crafted film. They are without doubt scripting lives from birth, making and breaking people with tech that roots itself in Trauma-Based Satanic Ritual Abuse and Psych Warfare methods. Hive-minding synchronicity on a global scale, reinforced by an army of Illuminati, military intel and intel handlers and psych warfare specialists who take part in the transhumanist Monarch MK-Ultra ground operations. I would say that they are also wittingly or unwittingly programmed, most likely Delta to guarantee militant obedience.
They have put all this programming into me, my family, and my children and have attached major generational agenda to it, which I reject daily because it’s deceptive and wrong. DOD, CIA, Illuminati are the main players in my case. All TIs I think are in variations of “Ubermensch” and Super Soldier programming. The “Chosen Ones,” so to speak, which is also interestingly a term associated with Monarch Programming. It’s a eugenicist, master race movement as well as a depop genocide to usher in a Luciferian New Age and put the final nail in the coffin of social control with the mind as the final frontier for enslavement.
They are activating people around the world with all types of programming that goes back to birth. End Times and ET programming are big as they play into Biblical Prophecy and BlueBeam New Age agenda. Serves as a depopulation and One World “Unity” ploy as well. They are eugenicists and controllers who envelop all truths with layers of deception, an ancient and very sophisticated occultic practice, which guarantees their continued dominion.
The technology is way more advanced than just controlling behavior. It maps it out, orchestrates and cultivates belief systems and personality, scripts convergence and simulation of experience, hive minds ideas on a global scale, and manages lives from beginning to end. A tech-driven means of “playing Satan.” The idea is to digitize and synthesize all aspects of one’s existence, full spectrum internal and external dominance. They have moved from Controlled Opposition to Mind Controlled Opposition as the opposition of choice on the world stage. Anyone who isn’t willfully complicit in the Hegelian deceptions will no doubt be manipulated and programmed internally if they oppose what is happening with unwavering integrity.
I have seen this technology control weather, groups of people, every aspect of human behavior, and anything with a pulse. Brain to Computer and Brain to Brain Interfaces are central to my experience. Very disturbing and dehumanizing at times, which is the point. Master/Slave Mengele-style model and approach. My life is coded and scripted generationally with heavy Masonic, Luciferian, and Illuminati overtones and has been connected to major players on the world stage going back to childhood. The future is predictively programmed for me. Everything that is happening now was prefigured decades ago.
This is my experience and understanding. I am sure others will have varying perspectives but this gets reinforced daily for me. I have documented much of it and get tortured and marginalized because of the evidence I have accumulated since this went overt.
Idol Worship and Programmed Celebrity (January 2019)
The Masons and Illuminati turn certain people into celebrities to then anchor us in their rhetoric and manipulate us toward their agenda-driven objectives.
This is why they make celebrities out of everyone: scientists, businessmen, religious figures, politicians, doctors, life coaches, engineers, thieves, killers, lawyers, athletes, singers, actors, directors, producers, writers, chefs, moms, dads, families, ad inifinitum.
They make sure they have a representative for everyone within the population. That’s the nature of anchoring and programming. They create models for us, then spread those models constantly throughout the media, and use them to manage perception and control the trajectory of society, especially the youth. It’s a form of conditioning and population control.
The most celebrated rarely get there because that person achieved that status all on their own but rather because they were chosen most likely at birth or not long after and then programmed to fulfill a particular role. That along with how well they do what they are told. Those most talented at selling agenda and without any moral compass whatsoever tend to get the most publicity and push.
They may or may not have awareness until they get older and are moved into the limelight and onto the world stage.
This is the way the world works.
No-Touch Torture Techniques (January 2019)
Judeo-Masonic Luciferian Agenda (January 2019)
Intelligence and Military Intelligence and the most powerful secret societies behind them have turned the planet into a sophisticated simulation and control grid with predictive capability. Their goal has always been to enslave ALL life — both internally and externally — on a macro level, a micro level, and everything in between. The masses of this world, to them, are on this earth to serve them and nothing more.
The military and Freemasonry — which at the higher levels are one and the same — are ideologically aligned with the Judaic and Masonic Illuminati and their deranged perspective of humanity. They operate in a hierarchy where those below never question those above. It’s set up in that way to provide built-in protection for their depravity and criminal ways and to keep the truly good and humane from ever rising to the top.
Evil to these people is a valued commodity and one of their most often used tools of control. They have successfully turned the world into a persistent fear-based and trauma-based experience that is designed to intimidate and degrade the individual and one’s natural and free existence.
Even the toughest rarely go up against them because of their overwhelming material power coupled with centuries of psychological conditioning to instill the false belief that we are incapable of doing anything that will legitimately affect change.
The “revolts” or “rebellions” that do form are rarely if ever organic. They are managed by the same power and crafted with predetermined outcomes that benefit them and no one else.
This further adds to the deflation of the human spirit, which is the point. They want the world to hit rock bottom. The propagandized, MK-Ultra media is used to drill these ideas deep into one’s psyche.
They are dark psychologists and sadists who have refined techniques of deception over thousands of years.
They view the world through a cold lens, where the means justifies the end, regardless of how inhumane and malevolent. Life, to them, is expendable. The group, the collective, takes precedence. Always.
These tyrants have exacted near incalculable amounts of pain and suffering on this planet, all the while spewing out propaganda and lies that cover up and deny this truth.
It’s a Satanic and destructive power structure hellbent on preserving its own and destroying everyone else in the process, especially those it deems most threatening to its everlasting dominion.
For those who do see beyond the deceptions, the outlook is meant to look grim. Evil always heightens and magnifies itself, which in actuality belies its true weakness.
In the end, they will fall.